
Date of Last Upload: Thursday, October 10, 2024 Student Enrollment Form

   New Student Information
Select the Submit Application tab after you have filled in all information including students, primary and secondary family, and emergency/contacts. Use the tab buttons to select the pages to fill in the information. Required fields are bold.

Student 1

*Last Name*First NameMiddle NamePreferred NameSuffix*Date of Birth (mm/dd/yyyy)Student E-Mail (if applicable)Student Cell Phone (if applicable)Primary Contact PhoneGenderRaceBlood TypeAttends ChurchChurch AffiliationImmunization Card Expiration DateAllergiesMedical ConditionsMedicationsMedia ReleaseTShirt Size
*** DAYCARE / SCHOOL REGISTRATION *** *** SUMMER CAMP REGISTRATION ***Registering For:NEW students registering for SUMMER CAMP ONLY, check this box. CDC = Daycare / SCH = School*Grade Level Registering For:NEW students who would like to ADD Summer Camp to their SCHOOL registration or CURRENTLY ENROLLED GSCS students who like to ADD Summer Camp to their enrollment, check this box.If you are applying for Summer Camp ONLY, select Grade Level "Summer Camp".*CURRENT GSCS Students only need to provide required information for this enrollment form.Please select the correct Summer Camp age group for the student based on grade COMPLETED.Summer Camp GROUP: